IAAP Buenos Aires 2022 | XXII International Congress for Analytical Psychology
August 28 to September 2
Buenos Aires - Argentina

Online abstracts submission

Abstracts submission is closed.

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Instructions for using the online abstract submission system

  • You are required to log in to the system before submitting an abstract. You will be asked to complete a form with your contact information and you will be sent an access code to your e-mail address. With the access code you may log in to the system at any time before the deadline to submit one or more abstracts. If you forget your code, click the reminder link "Forgot your code?" and your code will be emailed to you.
  • Once logged in to the system, click "Submit a new abstract". You will then be taken through the abstract submission process. Follow the on screen instructions as you move from step to step.
  • Complete the fields for the authors' data using full names, country of residence and one or more authors' affiliations.
  • We suggest that you prepare your abstract beforehand in your computer so you can copy and paste the text in the form's fields. If you prepare the abstract with a word processor, don't use any formatting options, bulleted lists or images. The form only accepts plain text. You can use any letter or symbol (eg. ±, ≤, ≥, α, β, etc.) available in the standard fonts.
  • The text must not to exceed 500 words.
  • Before submitting your abstract, you will see a "preview" where you can check for errors.
  • Confirmation of receipt of abstract: When you have successfully submitted your abstract you will see a confirmation screen with a confirmation number, and a message will be sent to your e-mail address. The system allows amends to abstracts within 48hs of being sent, after this period the submitted abstract can't be modified.
  • For technical support please write to iaap2022@auxsoft.com.